One Of The Easiest Ways To Get Your Body Healthy
If you are like me you are looking for simple ways for your body to feel healthier. This is the perfect video because there is no easier way for your body to become more healthy and you to feel better. Some call apple cider vinegar a supper liquid. It can detox your body, giving you more focus and energy for work and play. Vinegar will also allow you to get more out of the other foods you are eating.
Apple cider vinegar is basically apple cider that has been fermented. That process allows the sugar to turn into an organic acid. That organic acid levels the PH in your body. The leveled PH allows the good bacteria and flora in your body to flourish. And they say good healthy gut bacteria leads to a healthier brain and less stress.
In fact according to the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal and Motility Society, it was found that an increase in probiotics within the intestinal tract modulated neuroregulatory factors associated directly with stress. In simple human terms, by having more probiotics within your digestive tract we can directly reduce the impact of stress on our brains. As business people, we know how critical that is.
When you give your body acid in the way of apple cider vinegar or in lemon juice, it actually lowers the pH value because then your body doesn't have to produce more acid. You see, you're giving it an exogenous or external source of acid so naturally, internally, it reduces it.
Let's talk about how apple cider vinegar can help you specifically, in terms of testosterone and cholesterol. Apple cider vinegar has this crazy effect on the liver. It forces the liver to become more bioproductive. What I mean by that is it allows the liver to process cholesterol easier. When the liver can process cholesterol, it allows the cholesterol to do its job in terms of getting converted into testosterone. You've got leydig cells within the body that take that cholesterol and convert it into testosterone later on. By improving the bioproduction of the liver, you're improving how much testosterone can be produced. As a byproduct, you're also going to rid your body of extra cholesterols that are floating through the bloodstream that don't need to be utilized; in essence, the bad cholesterol. Apple cider vinegar will help you reduce that.
Watch the video to see how to use it and make it taste good.
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